I had an unusual childhood, and because of circumstances I spent most of my childhood away from one whole side of my family. I regret that and wish things were different, but as an adult I was able to make an effort to change that. I met my sisters when I was 18. They were young and kinda confused about this new "sister" they had, but I was determined to have a relationship with them. I made it a point to travel to visit them every year. As they became adults they reached out to me and over time we have grown so close that we pretty much forget the "half" part of being sisters. We are just sisters. I love them and couldn't be prouder of the amazing adults they have become. Strong, confident, kind, loving, smart. There are so many adjectives that fit.
So for something different than just my normal "hey here's some pictures I got paid to take" I'd like to share some pictures of my family. I love them and Christmas is making me sappy.
This is me with my sisters, Audrey and Beverly and their (our) mom Barb. I'm the dorky one in the middle.
Audrey giving me a tour of Santa Barbara
Beverly with her awesome husband David. He's a fantastic brother and I wouldn't trade him for anything!

Here's the girls after competing in the Warrior Dash. They really are the coolest sisters ever.
Here's some pics of our dad's side of the family. So glad I've gotten to spend time with them. They live clear across the country so we don't get to see as much of each other as we would like, but I love them deeply and cherish the time we spend together.
My Cousin Aaron and his family
My Aunt Debi and Uncle bill with 2 of their grandchildren
And here are the Paxton girls. Bev, our cousin Jennifer, Audrey and me hiding in the back.
Merry Christmas everyone, cherish your time with your families!
I love this post babe! I could never put into strong enough words how happy my heart is to be a part of your wonderful family. You have brought so much to my life by sharing them with me, I could never say how much they've given to me simply by accepting me as part of their own and loving me from the very beginning. I love each and every one of them completely and cherish every moment we all get to spend together. I know I don't always know how to tell them what they mean to me, but I'm getting better with the hugging ;) so hopefully they know what a giant thing that is for me ;)