I shoot with a Nikon d40x. I love my camera. It's not considered a "professional" camera, but it is pretty darn close. This camera takes great pictures. Some people think I should upgrade to a "real" camera, but I don't think so. There are a couple reasons, one I believe that the camera is just one aspect of good photography. Taking great photos really depends on seeing the world in a special way and being able to capture it. Spending a ton of money on camera equipment doesn't make you a better photographer. Practicing, learning and growing make you a better photographer.
Second, this camera is very light. I'm right handed and have arthritis in my wrist and fingers and I really couldn't shoot as long with a heavier camera. So I plan on sticking with this nice little camera for quite a while.
That being said, there are times when getting new equipment can help you capture better images. One of those is my new 35mm Nikon 1.8f G DX AF-S lens I just got. I got this lens for portrait photography. I wanted something with a shallow depth of field and this is the one I chose that fit my budget. For under $200 this is a great investment.
And because posts are always better with pictures, here are a few I shot while walking around my neighborhood with my Gizmo this morning.

This is a Halloween decoration in our front yard. See how the background is nice and blurry, allowing the Scarecrow to stand out? This is from shooting with my Aperture wide open, I shot this at 1.8f.

Here's another great example of using depth-of-field to get an interesting shot. Here I focused on a point midway in the composition allowing the foreground and background to blur. This is a good way to add interest.

This one I focused on the flower and allowed the rest to blur out. I had a fun time walking around with this lens and I really look forward to using it for portraits next weekend.